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The Missing Compys Podcast

Aug 24, 2018

Join Justin Kiley, Mike Tharme and Special Co-Host Klayton Fioriti as they cast a modern day Jurassic Park thanks to some great listener feedback that was sent in to the show.  Following that up we go through the newest creature feature new in the new Do We Give a Steggy Shit segment. Finally we talk a little bit about how we feel about fan toxicity and the modern internet based climate of fandom.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Remember If you enjoy the show please spread the word on social media and if you're listening on ITunes leave us a review!  So with that being said, sit back, relax, and thank you for listening to this week's show! Also be sure to check out both our new YouTube Channel and Klaytons amazing Jurassic Channel as well.


If you would like to contact us please:


Follow the podcast on Twitter at The Missing Compys Podcast@themissingcompy


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We would love to hear from any of our listeners whether that’s thoughts on the show or questions that you have or want us to cover.